ㆍ버전정보: WHQL v1.17.49 (2009.07.17) ☞ 2009.08.22 현재 최신버전
ㆍ운영체제: Win7/Vista/XP
ㆍ기본언어: 영어
ㆍ무료여부: Freeware
ㆍ제작처 : http://www.jmicron.com/
ㆍ운영체제: Win7/Vista/XP
ㆍ기본언어: 영어
ㆍ무료여부: Freeware
ㆍ제작처 : http://www.jmicron.com/
ㆍ다운로드(from 제작처 다운로드 페이지):
ㆍ다운로드(from 동해랑):
JMIcron JMB36X_WinDrv_R1.17.49_WHQL (2009.07.17).zip
JMIcron JMB36X_WinDrv_R1.17.49_WHQL_eSATA (2009.07.17).zip
JMIcron JMB36X_WinDrv_R1.17.49_WHQL_eSATA_WriteCacheDisable.zip
JMB36X_WinDrv_R1.17.49_WHQL.zip | 3943 KB 2009-07-24 오전 3:54:00 |
JMB36X_WinDrv_R1.17.49_WHQL_eSATA.zip | 3944 KB 2009-07-24 오전 3:54:00 |
JMB36X_WinDrv_R1.17.49_WHQL_eSATA_WriteCacheDisabled.zip | 3946 KB 2009-07-24 오전 3:54:00 |
ㆍ다운로드(from 동해랑):

개인보관용으로 올려두는 것임.
vR1.17.50.02 (2009.08.11 배포) 버전도 있지만.. 테스트 버전이라 일단 R1.17.49 WHQL 버전 기준으로 올려둠.
▶ 아래 글은 제작처의 안내글 원본
JMB36X (360/361/363) RAID/AHCI Driver Release History
// [Package Description]
// RX.XX.XX - Driver would get eSATA setting from BIOS/Option Rom.
// RX.XX.XX_eSATA - Driver would report all Device connected as Removable Device with WriteCache Enabled.
// RX.XX.XX_eSATA_WriteCacheDisabled - Driver would report all Device connected as Removable Device with WriteCache Disabled.
// RX.XX.XX_No_eSATA - Driver would report all Device connected as Fix Device.
R1.17.50.02 (TestDriver) (08/11/2009)
- Enlarge status checking time after ComReset and enlarge driver timeout time with the HDD resume command
because some HDD would need more time to get ready after Disk Turn Off and Resume.
- Fix issue that OS may not install driver of specifc SATA CD/DVD-Rom correctly when it is newly reported.
- Modify driver to always re-enumerate connected devices after resume from sleep.
R1.17.49WHQL (07/17/2009)
- WHQL version which has Win7/Vista/XP Logos.
- Fix install Vista - load driver take long time issue on specific platform.
- Fix BSOD issue if unexpected interrupt signals when driver is handling Smart Command.
- Implement Extra Request Timeout Detection and Recovery procedures.
- Fix issue that may not reboot after install driver with single function IDE mode if specific IDE CD-Rom is connected.
- Add Retry times of PMP Initialize because some PMP may need more time to get ready after Power ON.
▲ 인용출처: ftp://driver.jmicron.com.tw/jmb36x/XP_Vista_Win7/ReleaseNote.txt
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